We believe that each one of us can share a Light of Hope with those who have only despair in their lives. Hope is stronger than poverty, illness, and suffering. Your gift to those who are afflicted with cancer, severe illness, hunger, lack of health care, and no access to education, will help create Hope in their lives. With your kind help we can achieve our goal to become even more effective and transform more lives.
Please enter your gift by filling out your information in the form below. You can also make a donation in honor or memory of someone.
Alternatively, you can pay by check to:
Friends of Reach Out​
P.O. Box 156 East Aurora, New York 14052 USA
Or, as a new possibility, donate equities by emailing foro.give.now@gmail.com for instructions.
Thank you very much for generous help, enabling many families and communities to have new hope in their daily lives.
We could not reach those left behind without you!